Thermochimica Acta
Volume 25
Main Index
Issue 1, Pages 1-130 (July 1978)
Quantitative differential thermal analysis under high pressures
Pages 1-10
K. Takamizawa
Thermogravimetric study of cobalt(II)-halide complexes in a molten nitrate eutectic
Pages 11-20
H. Frouzanfar, D.H. Kerridge
Thermodynamic functions for 1,4-dichloronaphthalene, 1,4-dibromonaphthalene and 2,3-dibromonaphthalene from 0.25 to 16 atmospheres
Pages 21-33
D.G. McFee, J. Lielmezs
The reaction between diacetyl and hydrogen peroxide: its mechanism and kinetic constants
Pages 35-49
W. Frankvoort
Kinetic studies on the deamination of [Co(en)
Pages 51-55
Gary L. Jepsen, J.E. House Jr.
Thermische eigenschaften aromatischer polyesterimide mit naphthylringen in der seitenkette
Pages 57-67
Z. Jedliński, U. Gaik, M. Fudal
Vapour pressure measurements on (acac)M(substituted olefin)
and (acac)M(CO)
(M = Rh(I), Ir(I))
Pages 69-75
A.C. Jesse, J.M. Ernsting, D.J. Stufkens, K. Vrieze
On the calculation of the activation energy for solid state reactions
Pages 77-80
Emanuel P. Manche, Benjamin Carroll
Heats of mixing of 2,2-dimethoxypropane and diethoxymethane with some 1-alkenes
Pages 81-89
Roger Meyer, Gerard Giusti
On the thermal decomposition of K
in a hydrogen atmosphere
Pages 91-99
W.G.I. Marchée, G.M. van Rosmalen, G. Hakvoort
Preparation, IR spectra and thermal decomposition of malatoaquo complexes of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II)
Pages 101-108
M.Y. Al-Janabi, N.J. Ali, N.E. Milad, Mahmood M. Barbooti
Thermoanalytical studies of rubber oxidation catalyzed by metallic ions
Pages 109-115
Suat Hong Goh, Kok Wah Phang
Nickel(II) molybdate (NiMoO
) as methanation catalysts
Pages 117-121
M. Ramchandra Reddy, R.A. Geanangel, W.W. Wendlandt
The kinetic equation under linear temperature increase conditions
Pages 123-125
Jan Norwisz
Thermoluminescence characteristics of USGS standard basaltic rock BCR-1
Pages 126-129
K.S.V. Nambi, B.D. Bhasin, V.N. Bapat
Page 130
Issue 2, Pages 131-260 (August 1978)
Differential thermal analysis and temperature profile analysis of pyrotechnic delay systems: mixtures of tungsten and potassium dichromate
Pages 131-141
E.L. Charsley, M.C. Ford, Diane E. Tolhurst, S. Baird-Parker, T. Boddington, P.G. Laye
Study of order—disorder transformation of copper—gold alloys by means of differential thermal analysis
Pages 143-153
P. Tissot, R. Dallenbach
Kinetics of devitrification and differential thermal analysis
Pages 155-160
Alberto Marotta, Alberto Buri
Application of DSC-DTA technique for estimating various constituents in white coat plasters
Pages 161-169
V.S. Ramachandran, G.M. Polomark
Simultaneous thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry and pyrolysis—gas chromatography of fluorocarbon polymers
Pages 171-183
S. Morisaki
Programmed probe thermal analysis and its use in the study of thermal decomposition of some
-substituted derivatives of zeise's salt
Pages 185-199
John F. Smith, Anthony D. Wright, Bruce D. James
Integration of the rate constant and linearization of the kinetic equations in non-isothermal reaction kinetics
Pages 201-207
Gabor Varhegyi
Structures and fusion parameters of methoxycarbonyl-benzenes and -naphthalenes
Pages 209-216
Yasuhiko Dozen, Shizu Fujishima, Haruo Shingu
Thermodynamic behaviour of some glycol—water mixtures. Excess and partial volumes
Pages 217-224
Maurice Morénas, Gérard Douhéret
Second virial coefficients and excess thermodynamic functions of 2-butene-1,4-diol with succinic acid in benzene from light scattering measurements
Pages 225-232
M.S. Dhillon
A thermal study of some lanthanide trifluoromethyl sulfonates
Pages 233-240
John E. Roberts, John S. Bykowski
The self-association of ethanol in non-polar solvents
Pages 241-246
M.M. Kopečni, Dj.M. Petković
Differential scanning calorimetric studies of decomposition of β-lead azide
Pages 247-251
R.G. Patel, M.M. Chaudhri
Thermodynamic and crystallographic properties of RPt intermetallic compounds
Pages 252-256
A. Palenzona, S. Cirafici
On the estimation of the reaction mechanisms of thermal decomposition of solids from the fraction reacted at the maximum reaction rate
Pages 257-260
J.M. Criado, R. Garcia-Rojas, J. Morales
Issue 3, Pages 261-388 (September 1978)
Estimation of errors in differential thermometric titrimetry
Pages 261-268
Alan E. Van Til, Dennis C. Johnson
Transform of a thermogram into a thermogenesis curve by the use of the frequency transfer function of a calorimeter
Pages 269-275
Satohiro Tanaka
An in situ infrared study of magnesium hydroxide dehydroxylation under electric fields
Pages 277-288
K.J.D. MacKenzie
The binding of Ca
and Mg
to human serium albumin: A calorimetric study
Pages 289-297
Delbert J. Eatough, Trescott E. Jensen, Lee D. Hansen, Hans F. Loken, Selwyn J. Rehfeld
Enthalpies of ligation of Co
and Cu
to epimeric threonines and isoleucines
Pages 299-305
N. Ivičić, Vl. Simeon
Calcul de l'equilibre conformationnel de la fluoro-4 cyclohexanone
Pages 307-312
A. Lichanot, M.F. Grenier-Loustalot, P. Iratçabal, M. Loudet, F. Metras
Kombinierte thermische analyse an dreischichttonmineralen
Pages 313-324
J. Schomburg, M. Störr
A thermoanalytical study of dipicolinic acid acting as a terdentate ligand in coordination compounds of divalent metal ions
Pages 325-332
G. D'Ascenzo, A. Marino, M. Sabbatini, T. Bica
Thermal behaviour of the system lead(II) dodecanoate/lead acetate
Pages 333-339
S.Oluyemi Adeosun
The thermal behaviour of diphenyliodonium cyanometallates
Pages 341-348
A. Hantschmann, J. Salvetter, H. Hennig, B. Mohai
The preparation and thermal decomposition of two diaminoglyoxime complexes
Pages 349-356
S. Sarisaban, Ö. Bekâroǧlu, H. Wyden
Molten lithium carbonate—sodium carbonate—potassium carbonate eutectic: The reaction of ten main group acidic oxides and oxyanions
Pages 357-366
D.A. Habboush, D.H. Kerridge, S.A. Tariq
Kinetic parameters from DTA curves
Pages 367-371
Leo Reich, S.S. Stivala
Evaluation of kinetic parameters from thermogravimetric curves
Pages 372-375
S.R. Dharwadkar, M.S. Chandrasekharaiah, M.D. Karkhanavala
Valeurs énergétiques de quelques liaisons chimiques
Pages 376-378
Raphaël Sabbah, Marc Laffitte
Heat capacities and compressibilities of deuterium oxide-water mixtures at 298.15 K
Pages 379-382
Osamu Kiyohara, Patrick J. D'Arcy, Geroge C. Benson
1000th 990 thermal analyzer from Du Pont
Page 383
Author index
Pages 384-385
Subject index
Pages 385-388